Leader as Coach- Helping You Lead Successfully into the Future™

Leader as Coach

According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, building a culture of coaching in an organization can have profoundly positive results. “CEOs and leadership teams are charged with the management of people in complex organizations. Great leaders create a culture in their companies that drives results. It is the organization’s senior leader who is in the best position to influence cultural change. No one person, however, can change an entire culture. Influencing culture requires obtaining the trust and enhancing the motivation and capabilities of those who follow. The leader has the potential to create the setting that becomes a powerful source of identification for and commitment from employees. Coaching can help leaders achieve this.” (“Using Coaching to Impact Organizational Culture,” Science for a Smarter Workplace). Executive Coaching Network’s Leader as Coach program is designed to help HR executives, individual business leaders, managers, directors, and other executives in the profit, nonprofit, and government sectors develop the skills required to help organizations compete, grow, and thrive through creating a culture of coaching.

Increasingly, organizations are realizing the value of having their entire leadership/management team master the skills needed to be effective coaches so that the organization can raise its strategic and executional competence; many organizations now require their leaders to be effective coaches.

EXCN’s Leader as Coach program is designed to help HR executives, individual business leaders, managers, directors, and other executives in the profit, nonprofit, and government sectors develop the skills required to help organizations compete, grow, and thrive through creating a culture of coaching.

Successful leaders know that having the right people with the right skills and attributes in the right jobs is a competitive advantage. Your organization’s ability to grow people is vital to its success. Your leaders need to view development of people as a strategic imperative as well as understand their roles in coaching people.

The problem is that many leaders do not coach their employees. In our executive coaching practice, we have discovered many “reasons” that leaders put forth for not coaching their direct reports. We work with organizations to create a culture of coaching.

Leader as CoachIn the Leader as Coach workshop, we talk about the many benefits of coaching, including creating an environment for solving problems instead of avoiding them, opening up mutual dialogue to improve work relationships, productivity, quality, creativity, and raising your organization’s performance bar.

We also define what coaching is and the many forms it can take, from two minutes spent reviewing techniques and giving encouragement prior to an important presentation to a series of meetings over a period of several months to give feedback and role playing with someone who is having difficulty managing conflict.

We work on skills for coaching and for giving feedback. We use the four-step coaching cycle—and we use it experientially in practice sessions where attendees bring real-life scenarios to work on.

Contact us for more information about our Leader as Coach program.

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Fullerton, California 92831

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