Executive Vitality™: Achieving Your Exercise Goals in the Time of Covid 19

Executive Vitality™: Achieving Your Exercise Goals in the Time of Covid 19On a recent Executive Coaching Network, Inc. conference call, we were talking about exercise goals. The four leaders present had different orientations: 1) fanatic; 2) disciplined; 3) will do it; and 4) do I have to do it? Yet all of us agreed that it is harder than ever now during Covid-19 to get to the level of workout we need. Despite our various orientations, we all agreed that going to the gym feels threatening now.

What is your orientation toward exercise – where do you fit in?

Some questions to think about…

What are the outcomes you want to achieve by exercising? For me, it is release of tension, aerobic strength, bone density, muscle development, endurance, feeling powerful, the high from the endorphins, the rush of competition (with self now), and feeling more relaxed when eating.

What are the reasons you avoid getting your exercise goals accomplished? I am bothered by world events. However, I am an exercise fanatic, and can’t imagine not working out. So the facts that the gym is closed, weather is bad, I don’t have the same equipment, I can’t participate with others due to social distancing, it is more difficult to work with a trainer because of Covid-19 – none of these stops me. My orientation type: high motivation/high capability.

How did you get it done before Covid-19? What has helped me with my routines: a trainer, riding in a cycling club, membership in sports groups, competitions like iron man or road races, spin classes, and work.

What is the ideal routine for you now? This has been a real showstopper for me now. Establishing a routine has been incredibly hard.

What is the equipment you have that you can easily utilize? I decided to purchase some equipment from Amazon and borrow what I could.

What will you tell yourself to do when you know you need it, but you aren’t motivated? If you can build your action plan with the WHY first, then the WHAT and then the HOW, we believe you will overcome any inertia and get there from here.

Remember this is a highly unusual time. Just doing 10 minutes per day is a great start.

Recommendation: On YouTube, try FIT JET or ATHLEAN-X; also try typing in the body part you want to work. Try Triceps. You will see there are loads for exercise to do at home.

To help with the social aspect, try getting a few friends to participate at home with you. Create a contest.

How have your workout and motivation to work out changed during the pandemic? What do you need to change to ensure you continue to exercise adequately?

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