Executive Vitality™: Avoiding Road Trip Misadventure

Executive Vitality™: Avoiding Road Trip MisadventureThere is never a convenient time to get sick while traveling.  Many times, we travel with mild head colds, a bit of a headache, some minor stomach upset, or maybe more.  We may be convinced that our attendance at that all-important meeting is critical and a sign of true strength in the face of some minor discomfort. There are times when we may believe that our attendance will be career-enhancing, or that we are obligated to go because of a sense of commitment.  Let’s face it – we have all been there, done that, and got the T-shirt.

In the end, if you find yourself in this situation, you are the only one who can truly know how sick you are and how much you might put others at risk by showing up ill.

One of my experiences involved food poisoning while on the road.  I mustered my way through a meeting and then endured a flight home.  Before the food poisoning incident, I had made a trip while not feeling so good and it turned out I had viral meningitis.  Not smart!  Upon my return that time, I was hospitalized for several days and it took a few weeks to recover fully.

If you are sick, and you must travel to a business meeting:

  1. Call your physician and tell him or her your symptoms. Perhaps you are fine.  Perhaps you need immediate medical attention.  Get an objective, expert opinion.
  2. Make an appointment to go see your physician as soon as you return home.
  3. If you are already on the road when you become ill, check in with the hotel’s RN or doctor, if available, or go to a local urgent care.
  4. If you are in another country – ask the medical personnel at the hotel to rule out unusual bacteria.
  5. Determine if you can hold down liquids to avoid dehydration.
  6. Avoid sitting near others whom you may inadvertently infect.

Most of all, ask yourself, do I really need to be putting myself or others at risk by attending this meeting?   Can I Skype or use whichever favorite communication tool?

Take good care of yourself and you will be at your best.

Have you ever made a business trip while sick? What process or technique can you put into place to make sure you prioritize your own well-being appropriately when considering a business trip?

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